A Vision for Our Future

March 10, 2014
Issue 24
“Catholicism is the largest faith community on earth, with more than a billion members across the globe. Responsible for both the birth of education and health care systems that stand as pillars in our modern society, we continue to lead with excellence in these areas. In this modern day and age, when the life and dignity of the human person is being threatened at almost every turn, the Catholic Church remains the world’s premier institutional defender of human rights…God always wants our future to be bigger than our past. Not equal to our past, but bigger, better, brighter, and more significant. God wants your future and my future, and the future of the Church, to be bigger than the past. It is this biggest future that we need to envision.” – an excerpt from Rediscover Catholicism by Matthew Kelly
This vision of a stronger, more vibrant Catholic Church has been embraced by parishioners in every corner of our diocese – faithful followers of Jesus Christ who believe in following His mission and building the Kingdom of God here on earth. The overwhelming support for Forward in Faith, Hope, and Love is clear evidence of our unity as a faith community to do whatever we can – with whatever we have – to make a difference for future generations. God bless you! 
Campaign Statistics
The Forward in Faith, Hope, and Love endeavor surpassed $40,000,000 last week. It is exciting to witness the continued success of the campaign with more than 50 parishes yet to complete their parish efforts. 
*A portion of the Leadership Gifts Phase total raised is shared with parishes, therefore the overall total is less than the sum of the individual phases. 
* Retired, but pastor when campaign was conducted. 

Good News
Block Two
The campaign is off to a great start at Holy Spirit in Denver. Fr. Carmen Malacari and the dedicated Campaign Executive Committee received more than $100,000 in commitments this week. In recent years the community’s growth has paralleled that of the diocese; they look forward to using their local share to accommodate the expanding congregation with worship space.
Fr. Andrew Nowak has started meeting with parishioners at Sacred Heart in Brevard to share the details ofForward in Faith, Hope, and Love.  At Sacred Heart, they plan to use their parish share to build a spirituality center.
At St. Helen in Spencer MountainMsgr. West invited every parishioner to participate in the Campaign during Mass. There was a very positive response, and this effort has achieved 144% of the $95,000 goal. Parishioners are excited to witness the growth of their church and plan for the construction of a new welcoming space. 
The Leadership Team at St. Dorothy in Lincolnton continues to visit parishioners to share the components ofForward in Faith, Hope, and Love.  Fr. Miller welcomed more than $45,000 from parishioners who are excited to be part of an effort that will strengthen the Catholic Church for future generations.
Fr. Pat Earl hosted a successful leadership committee orientation at St. Peter in Charlotte. The team is excited to start the campaign and see the results of their efforts benefit Catholic Charities and Multicultural Endowments.