Campaign Topics
Who will be asked to support Forward in Faith, Hope and Love?
Every Catholic household in the Diocese of Charlotte will be asked to consider making a gift to the campaign.
Will every parish participate in the campaign?
Every parish in the diocese will participate in the campaign and should provide every registered family the opportunity to support the campaign.
Why emphasize personal visits?
Personal, face-to-face contact remains the single best way to inform families about the case components and ask for their support. It emphasizes the personal nature of giving, allows for a thorough presentation of the campaign case, gives potential donors the opportunity to ask questions and allows campaign ambassadors to express their own enthusiasm.
Parish Interests
Why shouldn’t I give to my parish instead?
Parish stewardship and diocesan stewardship should not be either/or choices. No parish on its own can accomplish all of its goals and no diocese can succeed independent of its parishes. This collaboration allows the Catholic Church as a whole to accomplish the most it possibly can in educational, charitable, and pastoral programs from each dollar contributed to both parish and diocesan appeals.
How will the campaign affect parish offertory collection?
In the short term, offertory giving is expected to remain constant. Throughout the campaign, ambassadors will ask parishioners to make commitments above and beyond regular giving. Parishioners are asked not to diminish giving to the offertory collection, but rather to consider an increased commitment to the Church. In the long-term, similar diocesan campaigns have actually led to increases in parish offertory collections. This is because parishioners are encouraged to continue to embrace stewardship as a way of life and strengthen their vision of what it is to be a member of the Church.
Will monies raised be available to the parishes?
Yes. Twenty-five percent (25%) of the funds raised up to the parish goal will be returned to the parish to address local needs, while the remaining 75% will be used to support broader ministries. Monies committed between 100% and 140% of the parish goal will be divided 50% to the parish and 50% to the broader ministries. Once a parish raises 140%, all additional monies will be allocated 100% to the parish. Parishes will also benefit directly and/or indirectly from the funding of the Case components such as parish and mission support services, Catholic education, faith formation, priests retirement, Catholic Social Services, Multicultural Ministries, and vocation and seminarian support.
How will the parish campaign targets be determined?
All parish targets will be determined using the formula of 175% of a parish’s 2010, 2011, and 2012 average offertory. Parish goals are considered objectives, not assessments.
Giving to The Campaign
Why ask parishioners for different amounts? Wouldn’t dividing the parish target by the number of households be easier and fairer?
It would certainly be easier. However, it would definitely not be fairer, and would ensure that a parish does not reach its target. We all give to our parishes in varying degrees. For whatever reasons, some give little or nothing. While all parishioners should be visited, those with little giving history are least likely to give to campaign like this. Therefore, asking for equal amounts from everyone would put a parish target in jeopardy. However, if we ask for different amounts based on past giving and commitment to the Church, we challenge all to give as they are able, according to their blessings.
Gift Logistics
Why emphasize pledges?
Pledges allow donors to consider giving more than is possible through “one-time” gifts. This is important in a campaign of the magnitude of Forward in Faith, Hope, and Love.
How will individual financial commitments be collected?
Individual pledges and initial payments will be made at the parish level. All subsequent payments will be mailed to the Diocese of Charlotte’s Finance Office and be distributed to the proper areas described in the case for support. Reminders will be issued monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually, depending upon the donor’s preferred schedule, with return envelopes for convenience. Electronic Fund Transfers and credit card payments are also accepted.
Do I have to make an initial payment?
Initial payments when a pledge is made are appreciated but not required. We ask that donors consider making payments as soon as possible. As pledges are collected, money will begin to be distributed as described in our case for support.
To whom should initial payment check be made payable to?
All payments should be made payable to Forward in Faith, Hope, and Love.
Are cash commitments the only type of gifts accepted?
No. While cash commitments over five years are the most common, it may be advantageous to a donor to make a gift of stock. Such gifts may give the benefit of a tax deduction for the full value of the stock without paying capital gains tax.
Can trust and estate-type gifts be made to Forward in Faith, Hope, and Love?
Offers of trust or estate-type gifts will be considered on an individual basis. Because the campaign can benefit best from immediate funding, gifts of cash, securities or other easily liquidated property are generally sought. If a donor offers a planned gift, he or she should be thanked and referred to the Development Office at (704) 370-3301. Campaign ambassadors are not trained to discuss the details of planned gifts.
Can I make a matching gift with my employer?
Many corporations endeavor to match the charitable contributions of employees. Please contact your company’s Human Resources professional to determine if your company participates in a matching gift program.
What if a donor is unable to fulfill a commitment made to the campaign?
Your pledge is not a legally binding agreement. If your situation changes and you needs to adjust your pledge amount or payment options, we ask that you contact the Development Office at (704) 370-3347. Options are available to modify your pledge to your new circumstances.
Why are donors asked to sign pledge cards?
Donors are asked to sign pledge cards to indicate that they have agreed to the terms of the gift. Pledges to Forward in Faith, Hope, and Love are not legally binding.
What if parishioners move to another parish?
If parishioners move to another parish, they are asked to provide the Campaign Office with a new address so that they may continue to receive pledge payment reminders and other campaign related materials. A commitment made to the campaign will be credited to the parish that received the pledge initially.
Capital Campaign and Diocesan Support Appeal
How is Forward in Faith, Hope, and Love different from the Diocesan Support Appeal (DSA)?
Forward in Faith, Hope, and Love seeks to address long-range, extraordinary needs. The Diocesan Support Appeal funds only annual operating expenses for ongoing diocesan ministries and programs. Parishioners have been very generous in supporting the Diocesan Support Appeal; however, the people of the Church have additional needs such as providing resources for essential charitable ministries and pastoral outreach, enhancing educational opportunities for our youth and young adults, strengthening programs for seminarians and families, and supporting retired priests and senior adults. This funding effort will enable us to meet the challenges we face and provide a stronger financial foundation to better serve our brothers and sisters throughout western North Carolina.
Will the Diocesan Support Appeal be conducted during the Campaign?
Yes. Forward in Faith, Hope, and Love is an extraordinary fundraising effort, where as the DSA is an ordinary annual fund, much like the weekly parish offertory collections. To ensure the continued success of the Diocesan Support Appeal, and the offices and ministries it supports, the appeal will be conducted during the campaign. It will be conducted in the standard manner and timeline.
Accountability and Transparency
How do I know that my pledge to this Campaign will go to the components outlined in the Campaign Case Statement?
Bishop Jugis and the Diocese of Charlotte Advancement Corporation have gone to great lengths to ensure that the funds raised will be used exclusively for the components outlined in the Campaign Case Statement. Additionally,
an annual audit will be completed by an independent accounting firm.
Will there be full reporting of the Campaign receipts and expenditures?
Yes. The Diocese of Charlotte Advancement Corporation will issue an audited annual financial report.
Other Questions?
If we have not answered your questions in this guide, please contact the Campaign Office.
Forward in Faith, Hope, and Love1123 South Church Street
Charlotte, North Carolina 28203-4003
Phone: (704) 370-3316