Continued Success!

Continued Success! 

The continued commitment of the faithful in western North Carolina is made manifest through the tremendous success of the Forward in Faith, Hope, and Love effort. During this liturgical season of Ordinary Time, the efforts of our pastors and the generosity of our parishioners to building God’s kingdom on earth is nothing short of extraordinary! God bless all of you for your gifts of time, talent and treasure that will make our diocese a stronger, more vibrant faith community!

Campaign Statistics


*A portion of the Leadership Gifts Phase total raised is shared with parishes, therefore the overall total is less than the sum of the individual phases.

Individual parishes were offered the opportunity to set a challenge goal over and above their FFHL goal. In addition, parishes receive a benefit from surpassing their regular FFHL goal. All dollars raised are included in these totals.

* Retired, but pastor when campaign was conducted.

Good News

Block I

At St. Patrick Cathedral in CharlotteFr. Lucas Rossi held the parish’s first Commitment Weekend. From this appeal, 81 families pledged an additional $179,919. Next weekend, Fr. Rossi will conclude the Forward in Faith, Hope, and Love campaign efforts with a final opportunity for parishioners to participate at Mass.

Block II

At St. Peter in CharlotteFr. Pat Earl concluded the campaign with a second Commitment Weekend welcoming gifts of more than $208,000. One special, sacrificial gift came from a parishioner who specified she was ‘age 9’.  Upon hearing about this gift, one volunteer commented, “I think that it is the best gift of our campaign!”

St. Matthew in Charlotte held its final Commitment Weekend. Msgr. John McSweeney and the Leadership Team are thankful and humbled by the generosity of the St. Matthew parish community. More than $3,500,000 has been pledged by 660 families.

Fr. John Putnam invited the entire St. Mark community in Huntersville to make a decision regarding their participation in the campaign at all Masses. An additional $808,719 was raised from this in-pew appeal. Fr. John will provide the parish family a final opportunity next weekend.