After prayer, reflection and discussion among religious and lay leaders, the diocese utilized counsel to help them identify objectives seen as vital to doing God’s work and to effectively minister in the 21st Century. Surveys and in- depth conversations with more than 250 priests, deacons, women religious and lay persons, identified five strategic objectives which will lead to long-term parish and diocesan sustainability.
It has become evident to both our pastoral and lay leadership that financial resources beyond regular offertory and collections will be essential to attain these strategic objectives.
After careful consideration, an organized and diligent study, and much prayer, Bishop Jugis in response to the current and foreseeable needs of our Church, has initiated Forward in Faith, Hope, and Love, a $65,000,000 campaign, to provide financial resources to advance our parishes and diocesan ministries through both capital funds and endowments.
Over the next five years, the financial gifts raised through the campaign will provide a solid basis for responding to the immediate needs of some ministries and investing in the long-term development of other critical ministries and vital facilities as well as providing much-needed endowment security.